

Its body becomes a blade upon death, to be taken up by the next generation.

If someone other than a Bushi wields this blade, the soul within torments them until they are driven mad.


Partner Skill:

Brandish Blade

When activated, attacks targeted enemy with powerful laigiri.

Work Suitability:

Lumbering Lv3 item, PalworldLumbering Lv3
Transporting Lv2 item, PalworldTransporting Lv2
Kindling Lv2 item, PalworldKindling Lv2
Gathering Lv1 item, PalworldGathering Lv1
Handiwork Lv1 item, PalworldHandiwork Lv1

Possible Drops:

Bushi model, Palworld