
Robinquill Terra

A Pal that lives a hunting life in rocky areas and is very close to humans.

When Robinquill Terra bones are found in ruins,

there are always human bones found nearby as well.


Partner Skill:

Hawk Eye

While fighting together, allows you to deal more damage to weak points.

Work Suitability:

Lumbering Lv1 item, PalworldLumbering Lv1
Medicine Production Lv1 item, PalworldMedicine Production Lv1
Gathering Lv2 item, PalworldGathering Lv2
Handiwork Lv2 item, PalworldHandiwork Lv2
Transporting Lv2 item, PalworldTransporting Lv2

Possible Drops:

Robinquill Terra model, Palworld